Factors affecting the savings and Loans of Savings and Credit Cooperative in Thailand B.E. 2550 – 2561
Credit allocation, Savings mobilization, Financial ratiosAbstract
This study investigates the role of Savings Cooperatives in savings mobilization from members and credit allocation. Two modest objectives are: First, to analyze financial structure, financial ratios, and concentration among Savings Cooperatives compared by provinces and by regions. Second, to estimate and to test the relationship between savings mobilization and credit allocation by province against the set of explanatory variables such as GPP, real interest rates, and productive structure of province, based on 76 provincial panels over 12 years (BE2550-2561) using Generalized Least Squares regression method. Among our findings are 1) a high concentration of savings mobilization is found in Bangkok; 2) a note on regional variations, for instances, the northern members save relatively more than the northeast; 3) provincial savings from Savings Cooperatives is positively related to GPP, share of the service sector, real interest rates and members, contradict to share of the industry sector is found negative.
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