Connecting Integrated Tourism Networks Post COVID-19 Scenario with Geoinformatics Innovation in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province for Thai Tourists
Tourism innovation, Integrated tourism, Geographic information system, Regional tourism network, Post Covid-19 ScenarioAbstract
Adapting to survive the post-COVID-19 pandemic is challenging for tourism and hospitality businesses. Government agencies play a significant role in assisting entrepreneurs in overcoming crises. The objectives of this study were to examine the situation of the tourism industry in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, develop integrated tourism innovations utilizing geo-informatics technology to connect tourism networks and evaluate the satisfaction of tourism innovations. This study utilised mixed research methods. The study instruments consisted of an open-ended questionnaire and in-depth interviews to examine the state of the tourism industry in the region, the ArcGIS Online software for developing innovations in geospatial tourism, and an online questionnaire to assess satisfaction with innovation. The questionnaire results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The sample group for the satisfaction evaluation was comprised of 410 Thai tourists. The results of the study found that 1) there was a problem with the lack of connection of tourism database systems within the province, making it difficult for tourists to access information, 2) innovations developed to become a central database that collects information on tourism businesses sectors in the prototype area and interactive data analysis tools for users at any time and 3) the satisfaction assessment results indicated that tourists were satisfied with the database.
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