Strategic Entrepreneurship Amidst Disruption: A Qualitative Case Study of an Immigrant in Thailand


  • Pichayalak Pichayakul Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
  • Traci Morachnick Management and Entrepreneurship Department, Chiang Mai University, Thailand



Entrepreneurship, Disruption, Ethnic minority, Online entrepreneur


This study focuses on a qualitative exploration of an immigrant ethnic minority entrepreneur’s journey to leverage technological opportunities within a period marked by significant market disruptions. Employing a case study methodology, this research aims to elucidate the interplay between the entrepreneur’s minority immigrant status and his strategic plans to establish and scale a successful online business venture. The subject of this study is an individual from an ethnic minority immigrant who has notably thrived as an online entrepreneur amidst the challenges and opportunities presented by the disruptive era. Data were gathered in 2022 through semi-structured, face-to-face interviews and a comprehensive review of the entrepreneur’s digital marketing strategies on various social media platforms. Through content analysis, the findings are narratively presented, highlighting the entrepreneur’s background, the strategic exploitation of disruptive opportunities, the impact of his ethnic minority status on business operations, and his forward-looking business strategies. This research contributes to the entrepreneurial literature by offering insights into the critical factors facilitating the success of entrepreneurs from marginalized communities in navigating the complexities of the digital age. It holds significant implications for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly those from minority backgrounds, by shedding light on the key elements of entrepreneurial success in the contemporary disruptive landscape.


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How to Cite

Pichayakul, P., & Morachnick, T. (2025). Strategic Entrepreneurship Amidst Disruption: A Qualitative Case Study of an Immigrant in Thailand. Community and Social Development Journal, 26(1), 126–139.



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