Developing Malay Reading Skills Using a Phonics Blends Activity Set For Grade 5 Student at Ban Chok Ko School. Narathiwat Province


  • Kartini Wado Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Pareeda Hayiteh Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Nurusnida Puteh Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University


Teaching activity set


          The objectives of this research are 1) to compare the development of Malay reading skills before studying and after studying using the Phonics Blens teaching activity set and to study satisfaction of student towards using the Phonics reading aloud teaching activity set. The population and sample were 5th grade students ata Ban Chok Ko School. Narathiwat Province  whice is a government school that uses an Islamic studies curriculum (intensive) in the three suuthern boeder provinces of Thailand, numbering 30 students. The research tools include: 1) a teaching pla to develop the pronunciation of Malay words in the format Knicks Grade 5,4 plans, total 8 lessons. 2) Dig into teaching activities to practice reading and pronouncing Malay words used in each plan. 3) Vocabulary practics sets regarding the process of pronouncing Malay word 4) Score sheets and tests to measure knowledge before class (Pre-Test) and after class (Post-Test) 5) Student satisfaction questionnaires Concerning the use of a phonics reading aloud teaching activity set as a 10-item rating scale assessment, the research results found that. The research results found that 1) Academic achievement in developing Malay reading skills using Phonics Blends teaching and learning activities. The pre-test and post-test of student had an average acore of 6.03 points, respectively, and when comparing the scores before studying and after studying. It was found that students’ scores after studying were significantly higher than before studying at the 0.05 level.  2) students’ satisfaction with the Phonics Blends teaching and learning activity set is at the highest level. With amean of 4.69 and a mean standard deviation of 0.58


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