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Han Nay Nwe Zaw


In coffee shop businesses, the increase in competition has led retailers to revert to innovative methods to capture the customers’ attention. Thus, the aim of this study is to analyze the effects of multi-sensory branding and experiential marketing on the customer satisfaction at coffee shops in Yangon, Myanmar. In this study, the five senses (sight, smell, sound, taste and touch) and experiential marketing (affective, behavioral, intellectual and relational) are the predictor variables, with customers’ experiential values (emotional and functional values) as the mediating variables, and customer satisfaction as the outcome variable. This study started by conducting quantitative survey distributed to 330 respondents in Yangon, Myanmar; then followed by quantitative research conducted in the coffee shops in Yangon. The data were collected by using a survey questionnaire and distributing online survey links to the people, aged 18 years or above, who had been to coffee shops and were living in Yangon. The partial least square (PLS) method was used for the model and for testing the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that (1) taste and relational experience are the main predictors of the experiential values, and (2) affective experience has significant effect on emotional value and sight and behavioral experience have significant effects on functional value respectively. The results also prove that customers’ experiential values can generate customers’ satisfaction.

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