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Hlaing ZarChi Tin Myint


As the global tourism industry becomes more competitive, examining future behavioral intentions of international tourists plays an essential role in the development of destination. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the perceptions of International tourists on the destination image of Myanmar leading to future behavioral intention through their overall experiences’ assessment. In this study, the overall destination image is the predictor variable, with customers’ expectation, experiential values such as their perceived quality and perceived value and their satisfaction as the mediating variables, and behavioral intention as the outcome variable. According to Green (1991), the minimum 106 of respondents are required for this study. However, there were 400 quantitative survey forms distributed to international tourists who had visited Mandalay region, Myanmar through convenience sampling technique and 335 questionnaires were applied for the analysis of this study. The Partial Least Square (PLS) method was applied for the model and testing the proposed hypotheses. The results revealed that the overall destination image had indirect effect on behavioral intention through customers’ experiential values. Precisely, the results disclosed that perceived quality and perceived value of the customers had significant direct influence on their satisfaction and facilitated to enhance future behavioral intention towards destination. As a result, more understanding on the motivation of tourists’ satisfaction and positive behavioral intentions are significant contribution for the development and management of destination strategy.

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