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Charnsak Srisawatsakul
Waransanang Boontarig


Blockchain-based applications possess the disruption of several industries worldwide. Researchers applied blockchain to transform the educational industry in several approaches, including blockchain-based academic records system. In Thailand, major universities in the capital have applied blockchain-based academic records systems, but it is relatively new in rural areas. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the adoption behavior toward blockchain-based academic records systems of tertiary students in Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand. We proposed an integrated research model based on the technology acceptance model and task-technology fit. The data were collected using online and offline questionnaires (Cronbach’s alpha > 0.84). A total of 134 randomly selected participants responded to the questionnaires and the obtained data were analyzed. The partial least square structural equation model was applied for empirically testing of the hypotheses. Every hypothesis was statistically supported. However, the behavioral intention to use blockchain-based academic records was predicted by perceived usefulness and task technology fit with 50.6 percent of the variance. Perceived ease of use was the strongest predictor of perceived usefulness. Perceived privacy risk had a negative impact on perceived usefulness. Task technology fit was confirmed in our study. Finally, the paper discussed and provided the practical implications for stakeholders related to the blockchain-based academic records system.

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