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Punda Somkid
Jirawoot Sararit


This research was conducted to study the psychosocial development of Voldemort, the antagonist in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter book series and to obtain applicable lessons learned from him in real-life scenarios. Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Development (1958) was used as a theoretical framework. The findings revealed that nurturing and experiences especially during his childhood strongly influenced his behaviors and values in life and that society plays an essential role in his life development. Without proper care and guidance, Voldemort's behaviors worsened as he grew older. He could not overcome life crises, and these crises negatively affected his long-term physical and mental states. The lack of trust prevented him from establishing healthy relationships with other people, resulting in his isolation from society. Instead, he relied on obsession in power and eternal life to overcome the crises. Such solutions worsened his state of mind and led him to his tragic death. Lessons learned from Voldemort emphasized the significance of society that has affected individuals' development since childhood. The results of this research encourage parents, teachers, caregivers, babysitters, and other child care professionals to provide love and guidance for children, so they will become healthy adults.

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