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Saranchana Atipanya
Peihong Li


Amid the increasing deployment of Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) endorsers in business marketing, attributed to their superior manageability and cost-effectiveness, this study thoroughly examines the direct impact of CGI characteristics on purchase intentions and brand equity, alongside the mediating effect of brand equity between CGI characteristics and purchase intentions, and the moderating influence of CGI–Brand congruency on these relation-ships. Utilizing an online survey aimed at AYAYI’s followers on the Little Red Book platform, this study gathered 472 responses, which were comprehensively analyzed using CB-SEM. The findings corroborate a direct effect of CGI authenticity and expertise on purchase intentions, and attractiveness, expertise, and authenticity on brand equity. It was validated that brand equity mediates the relationship between CGI endorser characteristics (specifically expertise and authenticity) and purchase intentions. Additionally, the moderating effect of Brand and CGI Endorser Congruence on the relationship between CGI Endorser Characteristics and Brand Equity was confirmed.

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