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Pitchaya Tiyarattanachai
Tanaporn Phurinan


In today’s fiercely competitive service business, companies must prioritize customer satisfaction to be successful, as satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal, recommend the business to others, and contribute to positive word-of-mouth, which ultimately enhances the company’s reputation and market position. Research reveals that retaining existing customers is five times more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. To stand out, businesses in the service industry should consistently exceed customer expectations. By addressing diverse customer needs and customizing offerings, they meet ‘Normative ‘should’ expectations’, ensuring positive interactions. This study dives into the realm of customer and service expectations within service-oriented industries. It comprehensively explores the variables shaping service quality, aiming to identify crucial factors influencing service quality in these sectors. This research aims to provide actionable insights for service businesses, suggesting useful strategies to surpass customer expectations. By understanding and surpassing these expectations as well as embracing future trends with technology, data-driven insights, and personalized experiences, companies can guarantee exceptional service quality. This approach fosters enduring customer satisfaction and loyalty in the long run.

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