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Peter Y Y Ng
Haijun Lu




           Recently, researchers pay more attention on the early and rapid internationalization of SMEs. Relationship network is viewed as a vital factor influencing the internationalization speed of SMEs. The aim of this research is to enhance understandings of the relationship between relationship network and internationalization speed of SMEs. Based on literature review, hypotheses about relationship network, international experiential knowledge and internationalization speed are put forword. Then, sampled data of 317 Chinese SMEs were collected through questionnaire survey, and the empirical test was carried out by using SPSS. It is found that the relationship network, especially network structure, has a positive impact on the speed of the internationalization of SMEs. The international experiential knowledge plays an intermediary role in the relationship between the relationship network and the speed of internationalization. 

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How to Cite
Y Y Ng, P., & Lu, H. (2016). 关系网络、国际经验知识与中小企业国际化速度. Panyapiwat Journal, 8(2), 63–79. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pimjournal/article/view/65648
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