Civil Politics for the Resolution of Overlapping Area : A Case Study of Bo Bua Market Community of Muang District in Chachoengsao Province

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Kristinyada Phasuk
Suvicha Pouaree


The objectives of this research article are to analyze the starting point of the civil politics and to investigate the civil politics of Bo Bua Market Community in Muang District of Chachoengsao Province between 2011 and 2017. This research employed qualitative method which its data were collected from municipal officials, community leaders as well as a sample group of people in that area. The results found that the area of Bo Bua Market Community was under the rights of possession of the State Railway of Thailand and was opened for auction to private company. Due to the ignorance of the SRT and relevant state agencies to give a hand to the community’s residents and to tackle the problem conspicuously, the community’s resident lost their possession rights in the area to the group of investors. The mentioned problem brought about “Civil Politics” in the Bo Bua Market Community in which people assembled to outcry for justice in their home sites from the state agency, and other relevant offices. In the first place, it was not successful as expected which undermined confidence among the group in deprecation.  Nonetheless, some people have kept movement going, which is characterized as “new social movement” to safeguard their interests and to put up bargaining power against the state as well as the investors.

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