Citizen Participation in Baan ManKong Project : A Case Study of Klong Premprachakorn Community Laksi Bangkok
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The objectives of study are : 1. To find the degree of citizen participation on Baan Mankong Project. 2 to investigate whether citizen participation related to successful of Baan Mankong Project. Method of study was participatory action research. Data collection instruments are questionnaire, in-depth interview key informant, Focus Group, and Participant observation. Data sources are 2 communities on Premprachakorn Cannal, Ruam Pattana and Lang Flat Ruampattana Community, population are 453 and 240 households respectively. Data analysis by descriptive statistic and find out related variables by logical analysis. The results showed that people are involved in Baan Mankong Projects as follows: Step 1. Creating ownership together: participate at a low level is just listening to information from officials. Step 2. The establishment of the Community Committee, Step 3. The establishment of public savings groups, Step 4. The Identify of housing rights: community members can participate to the level of decision making in some level, namely “ Involement ”. Step 5. Community Information Survey : members are able to participate at the level of decision making with stat official, namely, “Collaboraion”. To sum up, community members can highly participate in what is not important for them. Baan Mankong Project is successful or progress at moderate level. Citizen Participation have influence on successful of Baan Mankong Project. Because Participation is social process that bring community members to do social activities together.
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