The Adaptation of the Farmers Ban Tha Sawai, Tha Din Daeng Sub-District, Nong Phai District, Petchabun Province

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Chanettee Piphatanangkun


The objectives of this research were to analyze the community contextual factors, the problems and constraints, the adaptation of farmers  at Ban Tha Sawai, Tha Din Daeng Sub-District, Nong Phai District, Petchabun Province. The research methodology used was the anthropological field works.  The data received were from the survey of community physical characteristics and environment, observation, participatory observation, in-depth interviews of the key informants from the research site, in-depth interviews,  informal interviews, collection of the community history, taking the pictures and the field notes.  The data collected were divided into two sections.  The first section included the general data of Ban Tha Sawai, Tha Din Daeng Sub District, Nong Phai District, Petchabun Province . The second section concerned the data received from the in-depth interviews of eight key informants and seven secondary key informants. The results revealed that the majority of the respondents were agriculturalists. of these agriculturalists, the majority of them were farmers. In terms of the problems and constraints of being farmers, they were found in four areas as follows 1) the high production cost, 2) the shortage of water resource, 3) the climate variability, and 4) the low grain price.  Besides, the results of the current adaptation of the respondents were: 1) depending more on self-sufficiency to lower the production cost, 2) increasing their immunity by saving money, and 3) participating in organizing community empowerment.

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