Teaching Model for Enhancing the Creativity and Skills of Digital Media Designers

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Napapat Wachiraklinkhajorn
Krismant Whattananarong



The objectives of this study were 1) to synthesize and develop a teaching model for enhancing the creativity and skills of digital media designers, 2) to assess the suitability of the teaching model, 3) to compare creativity and skills before and after learning with the model,     4) to compare the learning achievement, and 5) to study the correlation between the creativity and skills of students and learning achievement of the students studied by the developed model.  The samples were 30 undergraduate students, the first year, Bachelor of Science program in Technology Multimedia and Animation, North Bangkok University, in the first semester of academic year 2020, selected by a purposive sampling method.  The results of this study were as follows.  The developed model was divided into 2 parts, the part of creative approach and skill approach. It was evaluated at the highest level of suitability.  The comparison of creativity and skills before and after studied with the developed model tested by a t-test for dependent statistics found that the after learning scores were higher than those before learning scores at the significant level of .01. The learning achievement was analyzed by using the Analysis of Covariance statistics found that the learning achievement of the experimental group was higher than the control group at the significant level of .01. The correlation between the creativity and skills of students and the student learning achievement found that there was no significant correlation at the level of .05.


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