Factor Influencing the Net Benefits Obtained from Pick to Light System Usage of Warehouse and Distribution Centers Employees : A Case Study of ABC Company Limited in Eastern Region, Thailand

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Aphichon Phonsena
Surasidh Boonchunone


The objective of this study is (1) to investigate the influences of system quality and safety on usage, (2) to analyze the influences of system quality, safety, and system usage toward user satisfaction, and (3) to analyze the influences of usage and satisfaction on net benefits of pick to light system usage of the employees at warehouse and distribution centers. The researcher employed empirical research. The samples were 380 employees of warehouse and distribution centers in the East Region.  The data received were analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. The findings were as follows: the factors of  reliability, and safety affected the  pick to light system  usage. Moreover, the factors of response time, accuracy, safety, and system usage  affected the user satisfaction. In addition,  the factors of system usage and user satisfaction  affected the net benefits. The results of this study can provide a useful reference to researchers, firms, and individuals working in related organizations.

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