The Problem in Protection of the Rights And Liberties of the Alleged Offenders or the Defendants in Drug Cases under the Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand B.E.2560

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Pinyapat Tibwongsa


 This research aims to find answers for more effective development of protection of rights and liberties of the alleged offenders or the defendants in drug cases under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2560.  The qualitative research science consists of document research, in-depth interviews, and group chat.  The answers obtained are used to develop and amend the law under the Act Promulgating the Drug Code, B.E. 2564.

            The findings of the research were the answer to the protection of rights and (freedoms) liberties of the alleged offenders or the defendants in drug cases; the meaning of the word "sell"; the provisions relating to the quantity of narcotics of category I and criminal penalties in some cases of narcotics that are unsuitable for use at present These findings led to the creation of a model law for the development of the Act Promulgating the Narcotics Code B.E. 2564.

            By analyzing the Narcotics Act B.E. 2522 which has been repealed. on the determination of the amount of narcotics of category 1 under section 15, paragraph three, and criminal penalties section 65 to section 67, the researcher recommended an act to apply the Narcotics Code B.E. 2564. in some cases to be much more fair and  better protect the rights and liberties of the alleged offenders or the defendants in drug cases.


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