The Model of Internal Quality Assturance Mangement for Private Education Institutions in Kamphaeng Phet Province

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Supannee Nuamnark
Suwat Waranusas
Worawit Sittisophon


The purposes of this study were to 1) analyze the condition, problems and components of internal quality assurance management 2)create the model of internal quality assurance management and  to 3) evaluate the model of internal quality assurance management for private educational institutions in Kamphaeng Phet Province. The research methodology was divided into three steps: I) analyzing conditions, problems and management component in Kamphaeng Phet Province by interviewing the school director and the head of academic, II) creating the model of internal quality assurance management for private educational institutions in Kamphaeng Phet by setting up a workshop, and III) evaluating the model by conducting the public hearing with 36 of the private school administrators and 36 heads of academic affairs or the teacher. The result revealed as follows: 1. The condition, problems and components of internal quality assurance management for private educational institutions Kamphaeng Phet were found that the plan and the operation were carried out in comply with the standard operating guideline of Ministry of Education which was relevant to school. In addition, the most frequent problems confronting the educational institutions were the lacks of effective planning,  knowledge staffs, continuity  due to staff resignation or changing of work, and  cooperation from the community.  2.The model of internal quality assurance management for private educational institutions in Kamphaeng Phet consisted of six components as follows; 1) principle of model, 2)  objectives of model, 3) state of environment and technology,  4)  model of the process,  5)  production and  6) condition for the success. 3. The result of the overall evaluation of  the  internal quality assurance management model  was found at good level. Considering at each component, it showed that the highest average mean was in the sixth component- the condition for the success and followed by the fourth component- the model of the process which were  at high level.

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