Factors Tourism Marketing Mix under the Covid 19

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Chaiyaporn Supanimitwisetkul
Chawalee Na Thalang


The factors of tourism marketing mix under the COVID-19 crisis, which are considered important factors in traveling under the current COVID-19 crisis, this research objective were  1) to study the factors of tourism marketing mix under the COVID-19 crisis and 2) to Comparison of tourism marketing mix factors under the COVID-19 crisis Classifying personal factors of tourists and tourism behavior under the COVID-19 crisis. The collective data from a sample of Thai tourists traveling by using the criteria, the number of tourists who visited the top 5 in Thailand was 1) Bangkok, 2) Kanchanaburi Province, 3) Nakhon Ratchasima Province, 3) Chon Buri Province and 5) Chiang Mai Province 400 people, the method used in this research were questionnaires, statistical data analysis, frequency, mean, standard deviation, t-value, F-value, and LSD value, with the statistical significance level set of 05.

The results of the research showed that 1) tourism marketing mix factors Under the COVID-19 crisis, the results showed that travel marketing mix factors Under the COVID-19 crisis, the overall consensus was at the highest level. When considering each item in descending order of opinions, it was found that tourists had opinions. in the product field Process business cooperation with the mean at the highest level, respectively, and 2) tourists of different sexes, ages, and factors contributing to the tourism marketing mix under the COVID-19 crisis, in terms of product prices, through distribution channels, marketing promotion, personnel, process, business cooperation, product integration, and physical characteristics are different. and tourists with characteristics of travel, the purpose of travel, and cost per trip different, there is a combination of factors tourism marketing under the COVID-19 Crisis In terms of product prices, through distribution channels, under marketing promotion, under personnel, under process, under business cooperation, under the combination of products and their physical appearance are different. 

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