The Factors Affecting the Working Quality of Seafarers in Oil and Chemical Tanker of AMA MARINE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED

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Narongdet Boonsukveerawat
Piyamas Suesawadwanit


The objective of “The factors affecting the working quality of seafarers in oil and chemical tanker of AMA MARINE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED” is to compare and study the factors affecting the quality improvement of seafarers in oil and chemical tanker of AMA MARINE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMTED and use it as a guideline for adjusting strategies for developing seafarers to reduce accidents. The researcher conducted by using quantitative research method to select the sample by using the convenient method. The questionnaire was used as a research tool. The data were collected from 200 people. The statistics used in the analysis are Frequency, Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation, One – Way ANOVA and Multiple Linear Regression

The results of this research found that the basic information of seafarers in oil and chemical tanker of AMA MARINE PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED case study. Classified the Personal information of seafarers in oil is Position in deck department, Age between 31-40 years, Experience more than 7 years, knowledgement is high, Intermediate English skill, Skill of management is high level, Skill of the awareness damage and the environmental effecting is high level. The results of multiple regression analysis found that the position, status, Department, Safety awareness and pollution prevention affects the development of the quality of work of seafarers. For Age, Experience, Professional, Skill English Skill and Management Skill,  It does not affect the quality of seafarers.

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