Protection Laws for Rights of Juvenile in Judicial Process Prior to the Litigation that are Inconsistent with International Obligations

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Mathaporn Kanchanatecha
Nithikan Sonsanoi


The research entitled “Protection Laws for Rights of Juvenile in Judicial Process Prior to the Litigation that are Inconsistent with International Obligations” aimed to analyze Thai laws, related to the judicial process for juvenile prior to the litigation, whether which one was inconsistent with international obligations.   

            The study found that the Juvenile and Family Court and Procedure Act B.E. 2553 including regulations of juvenile detention home were also in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 and the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice 1985. There were some issues that were inconsistent with International Obligations such as the arrest of child could be conducted by legal authorization only and shall be final as it is necessary as well as the determination on time of making arrest shall be placed importance on child.

The researchers had a suggestion as follows : Thai laws should be amended to be in line with standards of international law that Thailand has her obligations to be complied to let juveniles has their freedom and rights protection actually.

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