The Development of Structural Equation Modeling of Factors Affecting Consumer’s Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions in Bangkok Metropolitan Region on Energy 4.0 Policy of The Ministry of Energy
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The objectives of this research were to examine the level of factors affecting consumer electric vehicle purchase intentions in Thailand and to develop the structural equation modeling of the consumer electric vehicle purchase intentions in Thailand. The combined research model was based on quantitative research methods and qualitative research. The sample consisted of 700 electric vehicle users in Thailand and 6 qualitative core data providers. The data were collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, and analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and inferential statistics including confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling.
The results showed that the level of factors affecting the overall purchase intentions of electric vehicles was at high level with the attitude to behavior being the top factor in motivating consumers to purchase electric vehicles. The structural equation modeling of the consumer electric vehicle purchase intentions in Thailand under the energy 4.0 policy of the Ministry of Energy was harmonized with the empirical data. Whereas the attitude toward behavior and the subjective norms had a positive direct influence on the purchase intentions. While perceived usefulness, perceived use ease, and compatibility all had a positive direct influence on attitude to behavior. The factors of personal interest in new technology as well as interpersonal influence, and external influence had a positive direct influence on subjective norms. Furthermore, If consumers are aware of the benefits and more consumers in society have confidence in using electric vehicles, society would gain more confidence in using electric vehicles until it becomes an influence to conform to society. In addition, if the government provides comprehensive infrastructure support, it will give consumers a positive attitude until it accumulates as a new norm leading to widespread use of electric vehicles in the future.
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