A Structural Equation Model of Appreciative Leadership for Logistics Service Provider (LSP) in New Normal Era
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The purpose of this research were to (1) examine the level of the Appreciative Leadership for Logistics Service Provider in New Normal Era 2) amalyze factors influence the Appreciative Leadership for Logistics Service Provider in New Normal Era, with gender, age, education, work experience and types of logistics service providers 3) examine the appropriateness of the structural equation model of Appreciative Leadership for Logistics Service Provider in New Normal Era. The Selective and Qualitative data of 740 Leaders in different occupations were assessed within Logistics Service Providers. The research results found that 1) the overall of the level of Appreciative Leadership for Logistics Service Provider was at a high level with statistical significance at 0.05. 2) the level of factors to Appreciative leadership of social interaction, cooperative people in the organization and new normal leadership were at high level with statistical significance at 0.05. The proportion of trust in Appreciative leadership: were social interaction, cooperative people in the organization and new normal leadership were 78% and the cooperative people in the organization had a significant positive total influence at the 0.1 level. The proportion of trust in Appreciative leadership was explained by social interaction and new normal leadership by 90% 3) The factors of the appropriate test of the structural equation model showing with the empirical data as ( x 2)= 66.76, df = 50, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.97, CFI = 1.00, SRMR = 0.02, RMSEA = 0.02, CN= 841.17
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