The Influence of Integrated Dynamic Capability, Risk Management by Environmental Considerations, Potentiality of Resource Management Towards Green Innovation Management in the Chemical Manufacturing Industry in Thailand

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Yuvadee Siriyasub
Viroj Jadesadalug
Sawanya Thammaapipon


The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of integrated dynamical capability, Risk Management by Environmental Considerations, and Potentiality of Resource Management towards green innovation management. The study population was executive or business owners in Thailand's manufacturing industry in the category of basic chemicals, chemical fertilizers, nitrogen compounds, and primary plastics and synthetic rubber. The research instrument was a questionnaire, which was mailed to the names and addresses of business owners who were applying for a business license from the Department of Industrial Works. Of these, a total of 269 complete questionnaire returned. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression coefficients. The results showed that 1) integrated dynamic capability influenced green innovation management statistically significance at 0.01 level; 2) risk management by environmental considerations influenced Green Innovation Management statistically significantly at the 0.01 level and 3) Potentiality of Resource Management Influencing Green Innovation Management with statistical significance at 0.05 level and all three factors could together predict green innovation management at 75.7 percent.

The results are beneficial for businesses interested in environmentally focused management practices, emphasizing the importance of developing all three factors to enhance the success of green innovation management within their operations.

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