The Occupational Promotion and Development for the Elderly by the Community Participation in Strengthening the Community Economy of Klong Bang Bua Community Network, Bangkhen District, Bangkok
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The objectives of this research are to 1) review the occupational situation of the elderly in Klong Bang Bua community network, 2) search for the community’s occupational promotion and development guideline for the elderly in the community, 3) develop the occupational group for the elderly by the community participation, and 4) develop the format and the production system, sales distribution, and management for the community’s elderly occupational group. This research used the community-based research methodology. The focus was on encouraging the community members to be the researchers, and using the participatory approach in managing the research project from the upstream, the midstream to the downstream. The research findings on the occupational situation of Klong Bang Bua Community revealed that the community members used to have the local wisdom for culinary, but has now been extinct. Concerning the guidelines for the occupational promotion and development for the elderly in the community, these included the development of potential and competency for the elderly members of the occupational group in Klong Bang Bua. In terms of the development of the elderly occupational group with the community participation, it was participated by people from three stages of life, these were elderly, middle-aged, and youth. In order to develop the format and the production system, the sales distribution, and the management for the occupational group of the elderly in the community, it had to assign duties and responsibilities in accordance with the organizational structure, for example: the divisions of purchasing, raw materials and production, accounting and finance, online and offline marketing.
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