Prevalence and Factors Affecting Depression in Online Learning among Undergraduate Students in Bangkok

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Kittipop Nakphon
Chaiyasitti Kasonbua
Sirinya Teeraananchai
Sitthapawee Thanasottigulanun


This qualitative study aims to 1) evaluate the depression prevalence and contributing factors in online learning among undergraduate students in Bangkok, and to 2) analyze the factors associated with depression in online learning among undergraduate students in Bangkok. Data were collected between July 2021 and November 2021.  30,288 students were selected as samples using sampling the sample according to the proportion of the population and using a simple sampling method. The online questionnaire was the research tool.  The data collected were analyzed by 1) descriptive statistics to describe the characteristics of depressed person, 2) simple logistic regression analysis to analyze single variables by pairs, and 3) multiple logistics regression analysis to analyze multivariate relationships by the adjusted odds ratio (ORadj) and 95% CI at a significance level of 0.05.

The results showed that there were 230 out of 352 students with depression from online learning.  The prevalence of online learning depression was 65.3 percent. Correlation analysis for single variables factors associated with depression were found with statistical significance. These included having identity (OR=2.48; 95%CI=1.16-5.33); moderate stress from studying online (OR=5.78; 95%CI=2.24-14.94); high stress from studying online (OR=15.76; 95%CI=5.96-41.68); moderate self-esteem (OR=1.58; 95%CI=0.51-4.87); and high self-esteem (OR=1.37; 95%CI=0.46-3.84). Furthermore, the result of the correlation analysis of logistic regression variables found that the factors associated with the incidence of depression were statistically significant, including: moderate stress from studying online (ORadj=4.94;95%CI=1.78-13.69); high stress from studying online (ORadj=13.78; 95%CI=4.82-39.39); low stress from studying online (ORadj=21.57; 95%CI=2.78-167.49); and moderate self-esteem (ORadj=5.06; 95%CI=3.01-8.53).

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