Arrangement strategies of king Royal music for Classical guitar The Candlelight Blues Album performed by Huggie Eichelmann
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The study of strategies for composing royal songs for the classical guitar, the Candlelight Blues performed by Huggie Eichelmann, has 2 objectives: 1) analyze the techniques of classical guitar playing. The theme song for the Candlelight Blues, played by Huggie Eichelmann and 2) analysis of strategies for composing royal songs for the classical guitar, a blues candlelight set played by Huggie Eichelmann, the results of this study will be beneficial to students, musicians, and the general public. able to enhance knowledge in playing knowledge in theory and knowledge of the Strategies for composing royal songs for more classical guitar.
The results showed that 1) Huggie Eichelmann's approach to classical guitar playing, 17 different types of classical guitar playing techniques were used, the most common in music, Candlelight Blues, H.M. Blues, Friday Night Rag is a method of performing the Rasgueado found almost every part of the song except the song Falling Rain, which uses the method of playing a tremolo as the main and there are also special methods of playing, there are two tactics used in the Friday Night Rag song, is 1. Rasgueado+Pizzicato It is a method of playing with emphasis on the rhythm of the notes and with a quick pause. 2. Grace notes It is a method of playing with flicking notes. Including adding color to the song by using mixolydian mode and chromatic scale in the Falling Rain song. 2) Strategies for composing royal songs for the classical guitar of Hucky Eichelmann by remixing the melody. The main melody is used continuously in the upper line and use of classical guitar techniques to distribute the notes of the melody in each part to the end of all 4 parts, using bass walk and main melody walk. By chord group the chords used are major chords and there will be chords that are chord diminished - chord 6 - chord 7 - chord b5 found in some parts of the song. Song arrangement an arpeggio texture is used to distribute the main melody of the song. Harmonization with intervals to indicate the nature of the sound and using the rhythm pattern to suit the style of the song for use in arranging the bass.
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