The Development of Teachers’ Potential in Learning Management through Active Learning of Bannamphon School under Udonthani Primary Educational Service Area 1
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The purposes of this research were 1) to investigate the current conditions, problems and needs of learning management based on active learning of teachers at Bannamphon school, 2) to study the development of teacher’s potential on learning management based on active learning and 3) to follow up the effects after the intervention. The 2 – spiral participatory action research was employed consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The target groups were 1) researcher and co – researchers consisted of 1 school director and 16 teachers 2) 31 informants consisted of 1 school director, 9 school boards, 3 internal supervisions, and 18 students. The instruments were 3 questionnaire forms, a test, an interview form, and 3 assessment forms. The quality of questionnaires form with content validity of IOC were 0.6 -1.0., the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient of the first questionnaire was 0.78, the second was 0.78, and the third was 0.85. The statistics for data analysis included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The contents were presented in the descriptive report.
The findings of the research were as follows; 1) The results of investigating the current conditions, problems and needs of learning management based on active learning of teachers at Bannamphon School revealed that most of students still had low level of learning achievement and lacked thinking skill. The teachers hadn’t used various teaching techniques, most of teachers still used a lecture method instead of the active learning and they apparently lacked of knowledge, understanding and skills of learning management based on active learning. Moreover, the internal supervision was not performed systemically. From interviews part and the answer from questionnaire, teachers needed participation the workshop or the seminar and internal supervision systematically. 2) The results of development of teacher’s potential on learning management based on active learning were presented as follows; 2.1) the results of the workshop pointed out that teachers who participated the research gained more 37.4 percent of understanding of learning management based on active learning and satisfied with workshop shown in high level. 2.2) the results of internal supervision revealed that in the 1st cycle of the research the participants gained understanding of designing the active learning lesson plans overall shown in moderate level at 3.42 percent and there were 5 participants who were able to design the lesson which shown on more level. Hence, there was the 2nd cycle of the research in order have the continuously development. 3) The results of following up the development of learning management based on active learning in the 2nd cycle using coaching shown that teachers were able to design the lesson plans of learning management based on active learning overall rated at more level, the lesson plans of learning management based on active learning overall was 4.43 which appropriate at high level, student satisfied active learning shown at 3.99 a high level, student’s learning behaviors concerning the learning management based of active learning overall were shown at a high level, , and the students’ learning achievement are 11.01 % which was higher.
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