School Administrator skills and teaching management during covid-19 pandemic; a case study of office of non-formal and informal education in Mukdahan, Sisaket and Ubon Ratchathani
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The objective of this research is to study and present guidelines for developing administrative skills that affect teaching and learning management. During this Covid-19 epidemic. The researcher took the concepts and theories of educators and researchers to analyze and extract important variables to create a questionnaire. Which is a research tool for collecting data of 74 items. The researcher then collects the data from the director of the administrative group, government teachers and wage rate teachers. at the Office of the Non-Formal Education and informal education of 294 people. Then bring it back to analyze the results with a statistical program.
The result found that; Guidelines for the development of administrators skills influence the prediction of teaching and learning management. Is the sum resulting from the merger between 71 percent of their ability to enhance their professionalism, plus 35% on the ability to create safe spaces within the school and around the community, plus another 25 percent on clear communication. And the most important part in developing the use of Facebook together with social justice and life safety. It had a statistically significant effect on teaching management with a coefficient of .20 and there is a 78 percent probability. While using YouTube together with justice and safety in life It had a statistically significant effect on teaching and learning management. It has a coefficient of .12 and a probability of up to 82%.
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