Servant Leadership of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin

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nattapon chanpeng
Supathanakris Supathanakris
Songdet Sonjai


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the components and synthetic of servant leadership of school administrators; 2) to study current conditions and desirable conditions of servant leadership of school administrators; and 3) to study guidelines for the development of servant leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin. This research has 3 phases; the first phase is to study the components and synthetic of servant leadership of school administrators from the concepts, theories, and related documents from 10 academicians. Assessment of the components by 5 experts. The research tool is an assessment form. The second phase is to study current conditions and desirable conditions of servant leadership of school administrators. The sample group consisted of 350 participants (70 school administrators and 280 heads from 4 work groups). According to this phase, a questionnaire was used for data collection and the collected data was analyzed for frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation. The third phase studied guidelines for the development of servant leadership of school administrators through a focused-group discussion with 11 experts. The research tools were focused-group discussion record and content analysis. The study found that:

The study found that: 1.) The servant leadership of school administrators consisted of 7 components including (1) empowerment; (2) service; (3) humility; (4) listening; (5) self-awareness; (6) vision; and (7) unselfishness. The overall suitability of the components was at the highest level. 2) The overall current condition of servant leadership of school administrators was at a high level. In addition, the study also showed that the overall desirable condition of servant leadership of school administrators was at the highest level. 3) The guidelines for the development of servant leadership of school administrators were 30 approaches and 4 methods including 1) training; 2) study trip; 3) workshop; and 4) further education.    


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