Guidelines for the Development of Coaching Leadership of School Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin
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The objectives of this research were: 1) study the current and desirable conditions of coaching leadership of school administrators; 2) study the guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators; and 3) evaluate the guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin. The study was divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 was the study about the current and desirable conditions of coaching leadership of school administrators. Phase 2 was the study about guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators. Phase 3 was the study to evaluate the guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin. The sample group consisted 350 participants (70 school administrators and 280 heads from 4 work-groups) received from a multi-stage sampling. Data were collected through a questionnaire and an in-depth interview. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The study found that: 1. The overall current condition of coaching leadership of school administrators was at a high level while the over desirable condition of coaching leadership of school administrators was at the highest level. 2. The guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators comprised of 5 main components including: positive feedback; social support; democratic behavior; dominant behavior; and training. In addition, the guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators also employed 25 sub-approaches and 4 development methods including training, workshop, study trip, and coaching and mentoring. 3. develop the coaching leadership of school administrators were introduced. The overall correctness, suitability, and feasibility of the guidelines for the development of coaching leadership of school administrators were at the highest level.
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