The Development of a Professional Make Up Skills Training Curriculum for Students at the Centre for Non-Formal and Informal Education, Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province
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The purposes of the research were to 1) 1) to develop a makeup skills training curriculum. for careers for students Center for Non-formal Education and Informal Education, Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province 2) to study skills for applying makeup for a career compared to the 70 percent criterion. And 3) to compare academic achievement Before and after the professional make-up skills training course The sample group were students from the Center for Non-Formal and Informal Education in Sam Yaek Subdistrict. Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province, Semester 2, Academic Year 2022, 20 people. Tools used in the research 1) A questionnaire on the need for professional development for make-up. 2) Make-up skills training course for careers 3) Make-up practice skills test form 4) Achievement test Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, One Sample t-test and t-test (Dependent Sample). The results of the research were as follows: 1) the makeup skill training program for professional. The curriculum was appropriate at the highest level with an average of 4.92 - 5.00, representing 98.40 percent. 2) Students from the Center for Non-formal Education and Informal Education, Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province who received training in the makeup skills training course for vocational have the skills to practice makeup for a career Higher than the threshold of 70 percent, statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Students from the Center for Non-formal Education and Informal Education, Loengnoktha District, Yasothon Province who received training in the makeup skills training course for careers. The learning achievement after the training was higher than before the training at statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
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