Active Learning to Develop Learning Achievement and Self-Confidence of Students in English Major, the Faculty of Education, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

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Supaporn Tewiya


The purposes of the research were to 1) study students’ learning achievement after using active learning and 2) study students’ self-confidence after using active learning. The sample group was 27 freshmen students. The sample group was selected by purposive sampling. The research was implemented for 12 weeks. The research instruments were learning plans using active learning, pre-test /post-test, self-confidence evaluation form, observation form, and learning log. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

The results showed that after learning by active learning, the average score of post-tests was higher than pre-test, and the average score of the students’ self-confidence was higher than before learning by active learning at the high level. From the observation, it appeared that the students had more confidence in sharing ideas in groups and presenting in front of the class. From the analysis of the sentences in students’ learning logs, it was found that the students also showed their self-confidence and had more confidence in using English in class.

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