Development of Nangpramothai form Bunthiamnoi
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This research the objective of this study was to study the development of Nang Pramothai form Bun Thiam Noi faculty. It is qualitative research. By means of document study and field data collection by survey, observation, interview from a group of 3 knowledge persons, 2 performing artists and 6 general public. The tools used for data collection were survey form, observation form, and interview form. and the results of the analysis by descriptive method
The results showed that regarding the history and development of Nang Pramothai, Bunthiamnoi faculty It was established in 1984 by Mr. Jeam Anantawang, who remembered the Pramothai movie performance from Udon Thani. Start practicing singing, casting, voice acting, dialogue, film making, movie making and using fire by yourself. Gather up to 8 members and practice acting until they can accept the show. There are musical instruments, 1 harp, 1 cane and 1 drum the performances were divided into 2 periods: the first period, the Mo Lam performance of "Tor Klon Pheen Lam Ploen," the second period, the Pramothai performance of Sang Silpchai, and the "Tam Aw Aw" episode. in the form of shadow play Added international musical instruments in the style of a country music band. During the show after Wai Khru, female actors come out to dance in front of the stage instead of the movie. During the popular story, there are female and male singers. Singing Luk Thung Mo Lam Focus on fun.
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