History And Show Style of Nangpramothai form Phet Ban Rat Roi Et Province
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This objective of the study was to examine history and performing of Nangpramothai from Phet Ban Rat Roi Et Province This study was a treatise method and data was collected by observation and interview from a group of 8 performing artists. The tools used for data collection were the observation form and the interview form. and the results of the analysis by descriptive analysis method
The study found history and conformation of Nangpramothai, Phet Ban Rat Faculty, Thawat Buri District, Roi Et Province, divided into 2 sides. 1.) the History inception since 2005 by Thammawanaram prelate of Watphasawansamugketham Centralize up to 22 members, control the training by yourself. Begin to practice singing, casting, voice acting, and negotiating. leather topping Practice acting for 3 months until you can get a job. Currently, there is a leader named Mr. Phahuthasanee Siudon, performing on Ramayana. In The Benjakai Loichon episode, 2.) the performing format will be split into 2 group, and the hermit skin will be placed at the Wai Kru Phan every time. Play a song of the Thai people. Use Isan language to announce the stories that will be played by the clowns of the group. The puppeteer will use the movement of the limbs of the movie to make the audience aware of the various gestures of the movie. During the story and the end of the popular show, there are male and female singers. Pleng Lukthung, Mor Lam, Lum Toei, mainly focusing on fun.
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