The Development of Achievement on Types of Words in Thai Language by Using Game Based Leaning And Board Games for Grade 3 Students
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This research aimed 1) develop the Games lesson plan with board games for the improvement of the learning achievement of the types of Thai words of Prathomsuksa 3 students 2) to compare the learning achievement between pre- and post-learning about types of Thai words by learning through games along with board games among Prathomsuksa 3 students and 3) to study satisfactions of the students towards learning about types of Thai words by learning through games along with board games among Prathomsuksa 3 students. The target group of the study was 21 Prathomsuksa 3 students studying in semester 2 academic year 2564 at Anuban Pang Makha School, Khanu Woralaksaburi district, Kamphaeng Phet province, obtained from purposive sampling. The research instruments were 1) 3 board games about types of Thai words 2) 5 plans of learning management about types of Thai words by learning through games along with board games, totaling 10 hours 3) 20 items of achievement test in a four-choice objective-test pattern about types of Thai words, totaling 20 scores and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire on learning activity management about types of Thai words by learning through games along with board games. The statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation and dependent t-test.
The findings revealed that 1) the Games lesson plan with board games to be the most appropriate ( = 4.90, S.D. = 0.22) 2) the post-learning result, in terms of comparison of learning achievement about types of Thai words by learning through games along with board games among Prathomsuksa 3 students, was significantly greater than the pre-learning result at level .05 and 3) the satisfactions of the students towards learning about types of Thai words by learning through games along with board games were at a high level ( = 4.96, S.D. = 0.13).
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