Effects of Online Classroom Learning Management by Using Clarification Pause and Apply Using SE2R Feedback Model on Ability of Design Thai Language Integrated Learning Unit for Teacher Students

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siraphat hannok
Kittipong Baeseiw


The purposes of the research were 1) to evaluate teacher student’s abilities of design Thai language integrated learning unit after learning through online classroom learning management by using Clarification Pause and apply using SE2R Feedback Model and 2) to study teacher students’ opinions toward learning through online classroom learning management by using Clarification Pause and apply using SE2R Feedback Model. The number of samples were 27 teacher students’, who were studying in the second semester of 2021. The cluster random sampling technique was employed for selecting the sample group and section was random unit. This research is a preliminary experimental research (Pre-Experimental Research) One-Shot Case Study. The research tools were to the analytical tools consisted of 1) a 12-hour learning management plan, 2) an assessment form for the moderator designing a learning unit into English subjects, 2 observations and 3 articles after learning, questionnaires, which were tested for quality by Experts have an individual quality value 0.67-1.00, and 3) Learning journal. Statistics for analyzing data using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

            The findings were as follows: 1) The teacher student’s abilities of design Thai language integrated learning unit after learning through online classroom learning management by using Clarification Pause and apply using SE2R Feedback Model, the average score was 17.22 and the standard deviation was 1.09. When considering individually, 70% of all students passed the criteria. 2) Opinions of teaching professional students after online learning management using the technique Clarification Pause in conjunction with the application of SE2R feedback provided three important results of content analysis, 2.1) It was very helpful because it helps to understand clearly, 2.2) It has guidelines and processes for working and get clarity on how to improve your work, and 2.3)It needs a lot of and should use private conversations or through Line application.

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Research Articles (บทความวิจัย)


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