The Study of Faculty of Education students Sisaket Rajabhat University Mindset and create a guide to develop Growth Mindset

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Chanamon Sookawong


The purposes of this research were to 1) Study the growth mindset level of students in the Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University. 2) Create a manual develop the growth mindset. The sample group used in this research consisting of students from the Faculty of Education Sisaket Rajabhat University studying in semester 2/2565 which was obtained by multi-stage random sampling 314 subjects. The research instruments were growth mindset scale assessment of 30 item test. The reliability value of questionnaire was 0.72. Statistics used in data analysis include mean and standard deviation

The results showed that 1.The growth mindset level education Faculty of Education students Sisaket Rajabhat University has 5 components: 1) Perspectives on beliefs about one's own intelligence 2) Perspectives on problems and obstacles 3) Perspectives on reflections or criticisms, 4) Responses to failures and 5) Learning goals  were found to be that conceptual framework for learning goals the highest average score was 3.94 which was at a high level. Followed by a concept in terms of views towards beliefs about one's own intellect has an average score of 3.90, conceptual framework in terms of perspective on reflections or criticisms with an average score of 3.84, which is at a high level, The framework for responding to failure has an average score of 3.83, at a high level and the framework of mind in terms of  perspective on problems and obstacles has an average score of 3.61 which is at a high level and had an average overall mindset score of 3.82, at a high level.

2.Creating a growth mindset development manual which has been evaluated and examined in content by 3 experts. The results of the evaluation showed that the suitability and feasibility of the manual for developing a growth mindset were found faculty of Education students Sisaket Rajabhat University is at the highest level with an average score of 4.67. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average score was the possibility aspect of implementation has an average score of 4.76, followed by the appropriateness of language use and communication with an average score of 4.67. Appropriateness of content had an average score of 4.60 and suitability of use had an average score of 4.60 respectively

Article Details

Research Articles (บทความวิจัย)
Author Biography

Chanamon Sookawong, Faculty of Education, Sisaket Rajabhat University

educational psychology


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