The Study of Factors promoting quality life of elders in Chiang Mai Province
คุณภาพชีวิต, ผู้สูงอายุ, เชียงใหม่Abstract
This study had the purpose to study factors that enhance good quality of life for the elders. The samples in this study is the elders in Chiang Mai. The size of the sample was determined by the Cochran formula in case of unknown size of population. Estimated proportion of interest in population is 0.5 of the desired population size. The sample size was set to at least 384 people. The researcher increased the number to 3 percent to prevent data discrepancies. Thus, data were collected from 396 samples. Multi-stage sampling was used. First, random cluster sampling was used to divide the area into 25 sub-districts in Chiang Mai After that, collecting data by specific selection and the sample was aged 60 years or older and had good quality of life evaluate by WHO Quality of Life-Brief-Thai. The instrument used for this study was the questionnaires with 5-scale of rating scales. It contained with elders in 4 contents such as Health, Family, Social-welfare, and Economic. Content validity was verified by 3 experts. The reliability of Cronbach's alpha of each scales were found between .72 and .85 and the total reliability was .87. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, such as t-test for two independent sample groups and one-way ANOVA.
The study indicated that the general information of respondents were the elders 396 persons, married, lived with their spouses with no children living with them, and used social-welfare for medical treatment. The factors contributing to good quality of life in health, family, public welfare and economic of the elders in Chiang Mai had conclusion as follows: 1) The gender differences had no effect on quality of life in health, family, public welfare and economy. 2) The different of ages had affecting quality of life in health, family, public welfare and economic aspects significantly at 0.5 3) Different economic status affecting quality of life in health, family, public welfare and economy by significantly at .05 and 4) Different exercise habits influence of quality of life on health at .05 level of significant.
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