Context and Factors Affecting the Process of Preparing Teachers for Multicultural Classrooms


  • Saowaluk Reungsri Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Kittiwin Dhedchawanagon Capacity Building and Development of Young Researchers According to the Strategic Direction of Research and Innovation for the Year 2019, National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT)


Process of Preparing Teachers, Multicultural Classrooms, Multicultural Education


          This scholarly article wants to present the context and factors affecting the process of preparing teachers into multicultural classrooms in four multicultural schools in Chiang Mai in semester 1–2 of academic year 2019. The samples were four students on teaching internship and the data collection methods consisted of observations and interviews. To present contextual information and factors affecting the process of preparing teachers into multicultural classrooms, the authors see teachers as people who have a vision of diversity in the classroom and have a positive attitude and awareness of the importance and acceptance of diversity in the classroom, as well as the skills to integrate teaching in diverse classrooms. It starts with students practicing their professional experience. This is what leads to an understanding of the importance and goals of education management in accordance with the multicultural approach, a concept that begins with the importance of all learners to provide a learning experience that is characteristic of educational equality, allowing learners to develop themselves in the best possible way.


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How to Cite

Reungsri, S., & Dhedchawanagon, K. (2021). Context and Factors Affecting the Process of Preparing Teachers for Multicultural Classrooms. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(1), 59–76. retrieved from