Effecting Marketing Mixes for Consumers in Community Markets at Mueang Lamphun District, Lamphun Province


  • Pattama Toongkasereerak คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลล้านนา


Service marketing mixes, Decision making, Dormitory Entrepreneurs in Lamphun Industrial Estate.


The purpose of research was (1) to study the opinion level of product, price, place, marketing promotion, people, physical and evidence, process and decision making to rent dormitory in the Lamphun Industrial Estate and (2) to study the service marketing mix factors toward of decision making to rent dormitory in the Lamphun Industrial Estate. The sampling group was 384 Users of dormitory in the Lamphun Industrial Estate. It was survey research with questionnaire as the research tool by applying descriptive statistics to analyze frequency, average, standard deviation and inferential statistics to analyze correlation coefficient of variables with multiple regression technique by enter selection.

The opinion levels were rated high on all factors, i.e. place and physical evidence were equal proportion (3.68), Followed by people (3.66), process (3.64), marketing promotion (3.63), price (3.61), decision making (3.58) and the last was product (3.56). The outcomes of multiple regression analysis revealed that process had direct effect toward the decision making to rent dormitory, Followed by marketing promotion had direct effect toward the decision making to rent dormitory, place had direct effect toward the decision making to rent dormitory, physical and evidence had direct effect toward the decision making to rent dormitory and the last was people had direct effect toward the decision making to rent dormitory at statistical significance at 0.05 level. But product and price were not effect the decision making to rent a dormitory in the Lamphun Industrial Estate.


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How to Cite

Toongkasereerak, P. (2020). Effecting Marketing Mixes for Consumers in Community Markets at Mueang Lamphun District, Lamphun Province. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 8(2), 13–32. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/balajhss/article/view/248399