Factor effect to Customer Acceptance towards e-Payment System: A Case Study in Chiang Mai


  • Wanatsanan Phongphaeo Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
  • Ladda Pinta Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna


technology acceptance, technology e-Payment, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived ease of use


          This research aims to study the level of customers’ opinionson the usefulness, the easy use of technology, and the acceptance of an e-Payment system; and investigate the factors effecting customers’ acceptance of an e-Payment system. The 360 subjects in Chiangmai were chosen by simple random sampling.

          The results showed that the highest level of opinions on customers’ acceptance of e-Payment system was on the perception of the ease of the use of the e-Payment, and the usefulness of the system, respectively.

          In terms of the factors affecting their acceptance, the results indicated that the perception of the ease of the use of the e-Payment system and the perception of the usefulness of the e-Payment system were statistically significant at a level of 0.05. Also, the different income level and occupation of the customers affect the acceptance of e-Payment technologies differently.



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How to Cite

Phongphaeo, W., & Pinta, L. (2021). Factor effect to Customer Acceptance towards e-Payment System: A Case Study in Chiang Mai. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(1), 1–10. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/balajhss/article/view/249375