Service quality and decision to buy affecting customer loyalty of a construction material shop in Ngao district, Lampang province


  • Nootsara Inthalang Faculty of Management Sciences Lampang Rajabhat university
  • Thanakorn Sirisugandha Faculty of Management Sciences Lampang Rajabhat university


service quality, decision to buy, customer loyalty, construction material shop


          The objectives of this independent study were to study the opinion levels of service quality and buying decision that affect the customer loyalty of a construction material shops in Ngao district, Lampang province, and examine the factors affecting the customers’ loyalty. The 420 subjects were customers of the construction material shops in Ngao district, Lampang province. The study tool was a questionnaire and the descriptive statistics used to analyze the data were frequencies, percentage and standard deviation; referential statistics were used for linear analysis through the Statistical Package for the Social Science Program.The study results showed that the overall of most customers’ opinions in terms of the service quality, decision to buy and loyalty were at a high level.Also, the results of linear analysis showed that the most direct factors affecting loyalty were decision to buy ,and service quality, respectively. Finally, service quality had indirect influence towards loyalty at the statistical significance level of 0.01.


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How to Cite

Inthalang, N., & Sirisugandha, T. (2021). Service quality and decision to buy affecting customer loyalty of a construction material shop in Ngao district, Lampang province. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(1), 11–18. Retrieved from