Effect of Risk Management toward Survival of Small Hotel Businesses in Lampang Province


  • Atchara Meksuwan Faculty of Management Sciences, Lampang Rajabhat University, Thailand


Risk Management, business survival, small hotel


This research was a quantitative research. The objectives were (1) to study the opinion level of risk management and business survival and (2) to test the impact of risk management on the survival of small hotel businesses in Lampang Province. The population was small hotel businesses in Lampang province with 99 samples. The tool was a questionnaire collected from executives or entrepreneurs of small hotel businesses in Lampang Province. The statistics used in the research were descriptive statistics for percentage, mean, and standard deviation. In addition, inference statistics used to analyze data were multiple regression analysis.

The results of the research were found that 1) overall and individual risk management were averaged at a high level, i.e. integrated risk assessment the ease of Comprehensive reporting, Holistic Risk Planning and systematic monitoring. 2) The overall and individual business survival mean was at a high level, i.e. the potential for adaptation to change the ease of sustainable competitive, advantage, and the effectiveness of the organization dynamics and 3) the results of testing the impact of risk management on the survival of the business found that the systematic monitoring control, holistic risk planning, and comprehensive data reporting had a positive impact on the survival of small hotel businesses in Lampang.

Therefore, entrepreneurs must focus on managing business risks and sticking to the principles of business identity preservation because it is a small business and there are limitations to increasing income. This causes entrepreneurs to look carefully at the risks under the clear strengths of the business. When there is a problem with business operations, the business can continue to be stable.


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How to Cite

Meksuwan, A. (2021). Effect of Risk Management toward Survival of Small Hotel Businesses in Lampang Province. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(2), 39–52. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/balajhss/article/view/253278