Amusement Quality, Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Theme Park -- Guangzhou Chime-Long Paradise


  • Xinyi Liang Master Student in Tourism Management International Program International College, Maejo University
  • Weerapon Thongma Lecturer of International College, Maejo University
  • Winitra Leelapattana Lecturer of International College, Maejo University
  • Prayong Kusirisin Lecturer of International College, Maejo University


Guangzhou Chime-Long Paradise, Amusement quality, Tourist satisfaction


This paper combines interview, questionnaire survey and field investigation to obtain the data needed for the research. Finally, descriptive statistical analysis, paired sample T test, factor analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were carried out on the collected data using SPSS statistical analysis software to verify and modify the research model. The final conclusions are as follows:(1) the scale of theme park amusement quality includes theme atmosphere, amusement items and activities, service facilities, personnel performance, performance and other dimensions. (2) there is a significant difference between the expected quality of amusement before the visit and the actual perceived quality of amusement after the visit. The expected quality of amusement is significantly higher than the perceived quality of amusement. (3) the "perception-expectation" recreation quality has a positive effect on the satisfaction of tourists and their willingness to return. The actual post-tour "perceived" pleasure quality has a significant positive impact on the satisfaction of tourists and their willingness to return. The model constructed by substituting the "perception-expectation" pleasure quality with the actual post-tour perception has more explanatory power.Different demographic variables of tourists have significant differences in three aspects: recreation quality, tourist satisfaction and willingness to visit again


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How to Cite

Liang, X., Thongma, W., Leelapattana, W., & Kusirisin, P. (2024). Amusement Quality, Tourist Satisfaction and Revisit Intention of Theme Park -- Guangzhou Chime-Long Paradise. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 12(1), 185–204. retrieved from