The Mediating Role of Satisfaction and the Moderating Effect of Relationship Management, Expectation on the Influence of Experience Economy towards Loyalty of Tourist Destination according to the Point of View of Tourists
experience economy, satisfaction, relationship management, Expectation, LoyaltyAbstract
The purpose of this research was (1) To study the importance of experience economy, satisfaction, relationship management, expectation, and loyalty, (2) To examine the interstitial factors of satisfaction that transfer the influence of experience economy to loyalty under variable degree of relationship management and expectations, and (3) To investigate the influence of satisfaction on loyalty when directed by expectations and relationship management. The sample group was 500 tourists, both Thais and foreigners in 5 regions of Thailand, namely the North, the Central, the East, the Northeast, and the South. This study was a quantitative research. The tools were questionnaires. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics to find percentages, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were used to analyze correlation by ADANCO structural equation and PROCESS analysis program for research model.
The results showed that the overall of all factors had a moderate average to a high level, respectively, were relationship management, expectations, satisfaction, experience economy, and loyalty. The intermediary factor of satisfaction that transferred the influence of experience economy to loyalty, it was found that experience economy had an indirect influence on loyalty and the influence of satisfaction on loyalty when directed by expectations. Besides, managing relationships found that the expectation of tourists was significant. However, the governance coefficient of relationship management was insignificant. This showed that in the overall governance the interaction of expectations with satisfaction has a higher effect on loyalty. But while the co-management of relationship satisfaction had no effect on loyalty. Nevertheless, tourism entrepreneurs should create attractive attractions that are challenging. There are activities and unique identities of tourist attractions to motivate tourists to come back for more. Ultimately, it leads to loyalty in destination attraction.
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