A Model of Good Governance to Success: A Case Study of Srinakarin Group District Office
A Model of Good Governance to Success, Keys for success, Structural Equation ModelingAbstract
The purpose of a model of good governance to success: a case study of Srinakarin Group District Office were to study of the confirmatory components of good governance to success and to design a model of good governance to success: a case study of Srinakarin Group District Office and assess a quality evaluation of a model of good governance to success: a case study of Srinakarin Group District Office. It was a mixed research methodology, the research sample drawn by quota sampling, comprised 146 participants. The instrument for this research was a questionnaire of good governance to success. Collected data were analyzed by computer programs, mean, standard deviation, Correlation Coefficiency, Chi-Square, Degree of Freedom, Factor loading, Goodness of Fit Index, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation and Connoisseurship.
The results of the study revealed that (1) The study of a model of good governance to success consisted of 8 components: 1) Wise Executive 2) Satisfied Transparency 3) Best Supporter 4) Education and Leaning by Action 5) Network Communication with Effectiveness 6) Facilitator for Participation 7) Implement and Trust 8) Performance Appraisal (2) The analyze of a model of good governance to success: a case study of Srinakarin Group District Office were at a high level. The results from the confirmatory factor analysis of the overall achievement 50 indicators of the of good governance to success were acceptable at the criterion level. (3) The to evaluate the efficiency of a model of good governance to success: a case study of Srinakarin Group District Office by connoisseurship in propriety, feasibility and implementing were at a highest level
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