Employees' Adjustment to Work From Home Affecting Employee Performance Efficiency: Case study Heng Leasing and Capital Public Company Limited Headquarters


  • Supanon Tama Student, Master of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Payap University.
  • Patamawan Jindarak Lecturer of Business Administration, Faculty of Business Administration, Payap University.


Adaptation, Work from home, Performance Efficiency


The objectives of this study are: To study the employee performance efficiency classified by personnel and to study the employee’s adjustment to work from home (WFH) that affects employee performance efficiency. The sample group includes A total of 149 employees working at home in Heng Leasing and Capital Public Company Limited, head office, used a questionnaire as a tool. The statistics used in the analysis were: Frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypothesis testing using independent T-test and One-way ANOVA and Scheffe statistics and using multiple regression analysis.

Findings reveal that: Employees' adjustment behavior working from home was at the highest level. Employees’ performance efficiency was at the highest level. The sample group with different working ages had employee performance that differed statistically at the 0.05 level. Employees’ adjustment to WFH that affects employee performance efficiency found that the independent variables were: skills, knowledge, and abilities, work style, adaptation to individual needs, adaptation to organizational needs, and adaptation to individual needs communication able to explain the variation of variables according to employee's performance to create work efficiency, 82.00 %.


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How to Cite

Tama, S. ., & Jindarak, P. (2023). Employees’ Adjustment to Work From Home Affecting Employee Performance Efficiency: Case study Heng Leasing and Capital Public Company Limited Headquarters. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 11(1), 85–100. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/balajhss/article/view/262859