Perception of Bachelor’s Degree Students Towards Brand Identity and Corporate Brand Engagement of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna
Brand Identity, Brand Engagement, Perception, Rajamangala University of Technology LannaAbstract
The purpose of this quantitative research was to identify the perception towards brand identity and corporate brand engagement by testing the differences between them. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 388 samples which were senior students from three faculties of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. They were randomly selected. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and One-Way ANOVA correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression analysis.
The research results were found that the majority of respondents were female (55.00%) and male (45.00%). Most of them were 22 years old (41.42%) They were drawn from the Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts (48.52%), the Faculty of Engineering (37.84%) and the Faculty of Fine Arts and Architecture (13.61%), respectively. Finally, the results revealed that the respondents had a high level on perception toward overall brand identity and corporate brand engagement of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna. The average level of each brand identity from highest to lowest level such as physical, brand relationship, brand reflection, brand characteristics, brand culture, brand perception, respectively. The average level of each corporate brand engagement from highest to lowest level such as brand pride, brand confidence, brand love, brand philanthropy, respectively. The six facets of brand identity were found to be influenced by respondents’ involvement with the brand as a consequence of the hypothesis testing. At the significant level of 0.05, brand engagement was significantly influenced by at least 1 variable of the brand’s identity.
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