Chiang Mai Agricultural Community Development for ASEAN Tourism: A case study of Doi Pu Muen agro-tourism community, Maesao subdistrict, Mae Ai district, Chiangmai Province
Development, AgrotourismAbstract
Research on guidelines for developing agrotourism at Doi Pu Muen, Mae Sao Subdistrict, Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai Province the objectives are to 1) study the potential of Doi Pu Muen agrotourism. 2) to find ways to develop the potential of Doi Pu Muen agrotourism. sample group Used in the research are: 1) a group of 10 homestay members; 2) a group of 10 people from the Doi Pu Muen agrotourism group; and 3) a group of 10 farmers who expressed their desire to join the project. Selecting a specific sample by purposive sampling technique and a unique sample, totaling 30 people. Research tools include a survey form, in-depth interview and participation in observation, the research team used content analysis methods. Present information using descriptive methods. The data obtained from the interviews used an inductive analysis method. By taking the data, compiling it, and classifying it systematically.
The results of the research found that the potential of the Doi Pu Muen agrotourism community in Mae Sao Subdistrict, Mae Ai District, Chiang Mai Province was at a very good level (74.42 %). When considering each aspect, it was found that the potential for attracting agrotourism attractions is at an excellent level (81.25 %), followed by the supporting potential of agrotourism destinations. It is at a very good level (80.77 %) in terms of the management potential of agrotourism destinations. It is at a very good level (72.22 %) in terms of the market management potential of agrotourism destinations. is at a good level (68.75 %), and the service potential of agrotourism destinations is at a moderate level (60.00 %). As for the guidelines for developing the potential of the Doi Pu Muen agrotourism group, marketing development should be a first priority. They must give importance to surveys, research or find more information on agrotourism marketing. Including creating a tourism network in the form of marketing activities with partners related to tourism in Chiang Mai Province. This will lead to publicizing activities or issues related to community agrotourism attractions. That are unique or have an attractive identity. Then organize activities to increase the potential of tourist attraction management, especially the management of human resources that will take care of tourists. both information services agricultural knowledge product and room service Including sending and receiving tourists to make tourists impressed and come back to travel again.
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